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Around the House - Devices and Tools

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Capitol/lecţie: Around the House

Luminitadubau | 31.08.2017 08:05

368 vizualizări
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Rezolvând corect rebusul, pe verticala AB veţi descoperi denumirea generica a aparaturii si obiectelor casnice.

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. A machine that washes dishes.
2. Kitchen equipment used for cooking or baking.
3. You need this appliance to clean your carpets.
4. Electrical equipment used for making toast.
5. A tool used for cutting/grating cheese or vegetables.
6. Electrical device that you use after you wash your hair.
7. This is where you bake your cake.
8. A source of light in the bedroom.
9. An appliance used for keeping food fresh and cold.
10. We throw the rubbish in here.
11. A container used for heating or boiling water.
12. A machine used for freezing meat or vegetables.
13. You keep this in front of the door. It is used to wipe dirt from your shoes.
14. You need these when you need to weigh something.

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