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Simonette Tenido Brebenariu - profesor Limbi moderne

Învăţământ liceal - Liceul "Mathias Hammer" Anina

Anina, Caras-Severin, Romania


• Despre mine *

I am a Teacher of English Language and Literature.
Teaching Employment:
2024-2025: Liceul "Mathias Hammer" Anina, Caras-Severin County, Romania, Professor/Titular/Teacher of English Language and Literature (Gradului Didactic I) for Grades XII-EM (2 hours per week), XII-EA (2 hours per week), XI-U (3 hours per week), XI-EA (2 hours per week), X-EA (2 hours per week), IX-U (3 hours per week), IX-EA (2 hours per week), VIII (2 hours per week), VII (2 hours per week), XI-U Dirigentie (1 hour per week), Total: 21 hours per week
2023-2024: Liceul "Mathias Hammer" Anina, Caras-Severin County, Romania, Professor Titular/Teacher of English Language and Literature (Gradului Didactic I) for Grades XII-U (3 hrs./week), XII-EA (2 hrs./week), XI-EA (2 hrs./week), XI-EM (2 hrs./week), X-EA (1 hr./week), X-U (2 hrs./week), IX-EA ( 2 hrs./week), VIII (2hrs./week), VII (2hrs./week), VI (2 hrs./week), I ( 1hr./week), Class Adviser of X-U (1 hr./week). Total Teaching Loads: 22 hours per week
2022-2023: Liceul "Mathias Hammer" Anina, Caras-Severin County, Romania, Professor Titular/Teacher of English Language and Literature (Gradului Didactic I) for Grades XII-EA ( 2hrs./week), XI-U (3hrs./week), XI-EA (2 hrs./week), X-EA (2 hrs./week), X-EM (2 hrs./week), IX-U (2 hrs./week), IX-EA (2 hrs./week),VII (2 hrs./week), VI (2 hrs./week), V (2 hrs./week), Clasa Pregatitoare (1 hr./week). Total Teaching Loads: 22 Hours/ Week
2021-2022: Liceul "Mathias Hammer" Anina, Caras-Severin County, Romania, Professor Titular/Teacher of English Language and Literature (Gradului Didactic I) for Grades XII-U ( 3hrs./week), XII-EA (2 hrs./week), XI-EA (2 hrs./week), X-U (3 hrs./week), IX-EM (2 hrs./week), IX-EA (2 hrs./week), VIII (2 hrs./week), VI (2 hrs./week), V (2 hrs./week), ADS II ( 1 hr./week). Total Teaching Loads: 21 Hours/ Week
2020-2021: Liceul "Mathias Hammer" Anina, Caras-Severin County, Romania, Professor-Titular/Teacher of English Language and Literature ( Gradului Didactic I ) for Grades XII-U (3 hrs./week), XII-EA (2 hrs./week), XI-EA (2 hrs./week), X-EA (L2, 1 hr./week), IX-U (3 hrs./week), IX-EA ( 2 hrs./week), VIII ( 2 hrs./week), VII ( 2 hrs./week), V ( 2 hrs./week), IV ( 2 hrs./ week ). ( 21 hours/ week )
2019-2020: Liceul "Mathias Hammer" Anina, Caras-Severin County, Romania, Professor-Titular/ Teacher of English Language and Literature for Grades XII-EA, XII-U, XI-EA, XI-U, X-EA, IX-EA, VIII, VII and VI ( 20 hours/week ).
2018-2019: Liceul "Mathias Hammer" Anina, Caras-Severin County, Romania, Professor-Titular/Teacher of English Language and Literature for Grades XII-EA, XII-U/R,XII-U,X-EA,IX-EA,VIII, VII, VI, IV, II ( 18 hours per week ).
2017-2018: Liceul Mathias Hammer,Anina,CS,Romania ( 18 + 7=25 hours/week) Teacher of English Language and Literature" Profesor-Titular" for Grades XII-EA, XI-U/XI-R,XI-U,IX-EA,VIII-B,VIII-A, VII-B, VII-A, VI-B (also the Class Adviser for this Class), VI-A,V, III, I.
2016-2017: Liceul Mathias Hammer Anina,CS,Romania ( 18 + 2 = 20 hours/week ),Teacher of English Language and Literature for High School:Grade XII-E (Electric),Grade XI-EA (Electronics and Automation),Grade XUR (Uman/Real:Humanities and Sciences); Middle School: Grade VII-A and B, Grade VI-A and B,Grade V; Primary School: Grade IV, Grade II and Pre-School (Clasa Pregatitoare).
2015-2016 Colegiul National Traian Lalescu Resita ( 18 + 2= 20 hours/week)
2014-2015 Colegiul National Traian Lalescu Resita ( 12 hrs./week) and Scoala Gimnaziala "Prof.Aurel Peia" Ezeris ( 12 hours/week)
2013-2014 Liceul Teoretic Traian Vuia Resita (8 hrs./week) and Scoala Gimnaziala "Prof.Aurel Peia" Ezeris (10hrs./week);
2012-2013 Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 9 Resita (18 hrs./week);
2011-2012 Colegiul Tehnic Carasan Resita ( 18 hrs./week);
2010-2011 Liceul Teoretic Traian Doda Caransebes ( 18 hrs./week);
2009-2010 Liceul de Arta 'Sabin Pauta' Resita ( complete teaching loads)and Liceul Teoretic 'Mircea Eliade'Resita

Grad Didactic: Passed the "Gradul II" Exams (August,2017) with the highest average grade of "10" at the University of Craiova.

"Gradul Didactic I" Series 2018-2020 My Research Paper Title: Strategies of Teaching Charles Dickens's Novels, University of Craiova
Presenter: International Conference, Internationalization in Higher Education: Changes and Challenges on October 18,2019 at the University of Craiova, Dolj County, Romania with her topic/presentation entitled: Global Citizenship Education and Appreciation of Cultural Diversity; International Conference/Project Coordinator: Senior Lecturer Sorin Cazacu, PhD. I passed with my "Gradului Didactic I" Series 2018-2020 ( with the general average of 9.50%) I did the Online Presentation on June 2, 2020 with my Research Paper entitled " Strategies of Teaching Charles Dickens's Novels" (David Copperfield and Oliver Twist).
Got my Romanian Citizenship in September, 2022

• Interese educaţionale

Educational and Informative Concepts of Romanian Educational System;
All aspects of education

• Hobby-uri

Teaching/ Editing/ Copywriting/ Proofreading/ Lay-outing/ Illustrating/ Painting/ Writing Poems & Stories/ Singing/ Dancing/ Playing Guitar/Acting(Theater Arts )/Art Making/Home Nursing/ Cooking/ Designing/ Flower Arranging/ Marketing/ Computer Literate/ People & Business Oriented

• Realizări în carieră *

many to mention ( see CV) and photos here

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