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Food Adjectives

A crossword puzzle about taste and texture adjectives.

Învăţământ gimnazial - Limbi moderne Clasa a 5-a; Clasa a 6-a; Clasa a 7-a; Clasa a 8-a;

Capitol/lecţie: How does it taste?

dstanciu | 20.04.2020 10:13

266 vizualizări
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AB- a kind of cake!

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Afișați rezolvarea
1. This chocolate cake is absolutely ..... I can't have enought of it, that's how delicious it tastes.
2. This wine would be excellent with a ..... dish, such as ham.
3. Children love ..... breakfast cereals and they're full of vitams, too.
4. Chilli con carne is a ..... dish made with beans, meat and chillies.
5. I love French fries, but sometimes they are a bit .....
6. This coffee contains a lot of water and has little taste. Some people may like it ....., but I love my coffee hot and strong.
7. I am not much of a drinker, but I enjoy the beer's ..... taste.

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